Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Today I'm moping. Once again, I realize my behavior is wrong, selfish, sinful, but still, I mope.

Yesterday afternoon, John and I went to see a Minnesota author, Will Weaver, speak about his books and answer questions of those of us that had them. I was looking forward to this date with my husband and getting to know this author. I haven't read much of his work, but I saw a movie called "Sweet Land" that was based on a short story he wrote. We read the short story as well, and I liked that too. I am hoping to read more of what he writes. Anyway, two minutes after we sat down the cell phone rang and it was Ethan's school nurse. John decided he'd stay, sort of like, of course, I'm staying. You can come and pick me up later.

Anyway, I need to back up. Ethan woke up on Monday morning with an ear ache. We kept him home from school, I scheduled a doctor appointment for 1 p.m., but I had to work, so John was going to take him in when he was done with school. Well, Ethan perked up by noon, so John canceled the appointment. When I called to check in, I thought that was not a good idea. I know that ear infections are typically worse at night and in the morning, and ease up during the day. So I resecheduled his appointment for the next morning. Sure enough, he woke up with a very sore ear. The doctor confirmed an ear infection, but said he could go to school. I took him in late after we started his meds and dosed him up with some Ibuprofen.

We head out for this little afternoon date we had planned, and now you are caught up.

Today he woke up still complaining of a very sore ear. Even after we dosed him with Ibuprofen again, he still says it hurts a lot. I am thinking it should be feeling better by now, but here he sits on the couch next to me again this morning.

For this morning I had planned to go to Bible study, which I love and hate to miss, even when my son, whom I love, is sick. I look forward to it. Anyway, scratch that off the calendar, along with a meeting I had this afternoon relating to the schools, and church tonight, where I was going to receive more chai tea from my friend with the Costco membership. Boy, was I looking forward to that as well.

So I realize I need to straighten my thinking and focus on what is important, which is the fact that I am available to care for and nurse my son as he doesn't feel well. Bible study will be there next week, and so will eternity, which I'll spend at Christ's side. You just can't complain about that!

Please pray with me for a relief of pain in Ethan's ear and a right spirit within me.

1 comment:

Megan said...

so, I read this title and I think, "mopping, Jessica doesn't mop, John does, what is she talking about?". Really I'm ok, I just add letters to things and they take on a whole new meaning!! I hope Ethan is feeling better, we've had the ear infection thing going on here too!!