Thursday, September 13, 2007

Revelation and Tennis

What is on my mind lately is Revelation. We just started Bible study this last week and we are studying Revelation. I've been a Christian for many years now, but I've always avoided this book for some reason, probably fear that I wouldn't understand it. Well, now here it is. We are only into the first chapter, but I am loving it. The images are fascinating. It is a whole different Jesus than the one pictured in the Gospels. I know He's the same, but this is a new face. So far, I love it.

This afternoon Grace had her first tennis match. It was about an hour away, but I really wanted to be there to support her, so I took Ethan and rode along with another friend and tennis mom. We watched her daughter play and had a good time. I was starting to wonder if Grace was going to get to play, when there she appeared. It was a hard game for her. Both she and her partner weren't very good, and they had never played a game before. They were badly beat. As her mom, it was hard to watch because I knew she was having such a hard time of it, but she persevered. I am so proud of her. She isn't even tempted to give up on tennis.

We didn't get home until after 8 o'clock, and that's usually bedtime. Grace hadn't had a chance to practice cello or to work on homework, thankfully there wasn't much. This night just flew by, but they're tucked into bed now, sleeping soundly I hope.

Grace's allergies are so bad right now you wouldn't believe it. She is ENDLESSLY sneezing and blowing her nose. Her meds are in the mail, but it isn't soon enough. I think that made the day even more frustrating for her.

I'm ready to hit the pillow. My heart feels anxious about how my Grace is doing tonight. I am thankful to God for these growing pains, though. I pray I'll be what she needs in a mother and she'll learn to lean on Him when her heart is aching.

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