Monday, September 10, 2007

A Quiet Evening

I've just tucked the kids into bed and now I'm sitting down to watch the football game with John. It's such a nice time in the evening after the kitchen is cleaned up after dinner and the house is picked up and the kids are in bed. Very peaceful.

I worked in Rochester today. It was fairly uneventful, except the day was cut short. That is always a blessing to me. I do actually like working sometimes, but I always feel happy when something cancels or gets cut short.

Ethan had a piano lesson. I don't know what to make of that kid. He seems to like piano. He never says he hates it. But I have to remind him to practice, and I don't always remember. So he is pretty inconsistent at his lessons. Some weeks he does well, and some weeks, not so much. His teacher is very patient, though.

Gertie found a piece of chalk in the house and colored the kitchen floor blue, the dining room floor blue, and the screen door blue. All this occurred while we were all floating around the kitchen cleaning up and doing homework and things like that. I don't know where she found it or how she got away with it. So many places. She loves to color so much that I am in a state of constant paranoia that she's going to find a pen or pencil or crayon laying around (yes, that happens in my house!) and she'll go for the walls. I just know it is coming.

Anyway, I'm tempted to erase this post. I read it and it's really not worth writing down. Some days nothing really noteworthy seems to happen. Maybe those days I should just let it go. I am thankful for ordinary life. I like the way this day has gone. It's been uneventful, but Gertie was in a good mood. John and I snuck away to take his mower into Sears. (Yeah. It sort of felt like a date). I worked and saw a good friend in Rochester that I don't see much anymore. A good uneventful day.

1 comment:

heather said...

I like to hear about your good uneventful days :)