Wednesday, August 29, 2007


There was a girl in my class. Her name is Brooke. I feel closer to her now than ever before. We were never really close, she was a lot bigger than me and in first grade my mom would send me notes in my lunch. One day she saw one, she was joking, but she said, if i see another one of those notes I'm gonna punch you to the ceiling and back. it scared me at the time, but forgive and forget. we became pretty good friends in fourth grade, but last year, in fifth grade, around September or October, i found out she had a brain tumor, but i thought it was under control, and so did the doctors i think, but they didn't. she was in the hospital the last week of school. i didn't know about this until a few days ago. I hadn't seen her all summer.

By August 24, she lost control of at least one arm and one leg. I wanted to see her so bad, but by the time i found her mom's last name, we had to leave for vaccation. by the time i got back, she had died.

You might wonder why the subject is Jeans, you see, because of her religion she had to wear skirts and never cut her of the things she asked her mom before she died was "can i wear jeans?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grace, No one ever expects someone so young to die. And it is unusual for someone your age to have lost a friend to such a serious illness. Though Brooke lived for only one decade and did not have the time to meet and know many people, YOU were one of her friends!! How good of God that He gave you to her and her to you as a friend during her short lifetime. Love, Nana <><