Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Good Mornings

It is -4 degrees outside right now. The kids are going to school late for the third day in a row due to subzero temperatures. (Although Grace's orchestra teacher did ring us up at 6:30 a.m. yesterday to ask Grace to come in early (9:15) for quartet practice. Oh, and could she call the others in her quartet to let them know? And did I mention that they have last names like Johnson, so when you go to find them in the phone book it will be a little tricky. This woman is intense.


heather said...

It's 16 here right now. Wind chill of -2. Yummy.

I think we're staying in today...
Stay warm!!

Anonymous said...

WE've barely had any days above zero this month, not including windchill, Brrrrr......