Saturday, April 4, 2009

Marisa's Song

A month goes by...I just don't seem to be in a blogging mood lately. I am wondering if it might be because my wireless has gone funny and now I have to sit tethered to the computer desk instead of roam any old place, and usually my husband's soft, fluffy Lazyboy rocker in the family room. And I've had stuff I'd like to blog about too. And I'll get to all of it, but the reason that drove me to actually sit down and publish is that my darling and extra-talented son won his poetry contest at school. They call it the Eberhart Poetry Contest, and they chose one finalist from each school in our district. He had written this poem for an "old" friend that has moved away. It was a song, actually, and he had to alter it slightly to fit within the guidelines of the contest, but here it is.

Marisa’s Song

Don’t you remember how it used to be?

Well, if you don’t, I’ll tell how it was.

It was you and me sitting under that old tree,

Then you would chase me, catch me. I would laugh.

Don’t you remember how it used to be?

It was just us two. We made a good team.

We would just sit there, play a game or two.

We might just have fun, or we might be sad.

But everything changed and got rearranged.

Now I’m just a creep who can’t go to sleep.

Mellowed out dude, you could call me rude.

Thoughts have gotten caught thinking about you.

Think I should let them.

We would just sit there.

Play a game or two…

Don't you just love this kid?


Unknown said...


I once met Marisa - a meeting I will never forget... There is nothing like the friendship of a good and treasured pal.

Congratulations Ethan.

Judy said...

As they say, he's a poet and don't we know it...and his feet show it...They're Long-fellows!!
Love, Nana <><

Judy said...

Very melancholy, Ethan. I'm looking forward to the next time I come visit. We can bunk together. I can show you how to bite your pillow. Papa <><