Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Love Gertie, really, I do.

Gertie continues to wake up from EVERY nap screaming and crying. She is irrational and uncooperative. I just don't know if I can put on paper (or, uh, the internet) how incredibly frustrating and exhausting this is.

Today: Wakes up screaming for Mom. John goes up and she'll have nothing to do with him as he tries to bring her downstairs, calm her down, but evenutally gives up, leaving her screaming in her room. John and I are just discussing what to do because this is becoming an ugly routine. She starts screaming for Dad. He goes and brings her down, telling me that she's going to calm down. Her face is blotchy and red, she can't regulate her breathing yet, and she clings to me, still whimpering. I sing a bit to her, and she tells me, don't say that. I ask her if she'd like something to eat. She starts crying. She's not hungry. She doesn't want a banana. She wants a banana. I take her in my arms to get the banana. She wants to peel it like a monkey. Mind you, all of these comments come out in on-the-verge-of hysterics cries. She takes three bites. She doesn't want any more fruit. I want Cheerios. I place her in her chair to set her up, and she's still screaming at me. She needs a drink. I've had it. I take her up to her bed and she screams up there for a few minutes. She tells me she's going to calm down, so she is allowed to come down. I sit her back in her chair as she whimpers for her drink, then her Cheerios. She eats. She watches Dora.

That was ten minutes ago. Now she is cheerfully talking of going to church and how she wants to go to her class. Go figure. And, heeelp meeeee, please.


Anonymous said...

I can offer up my prayers that this"stage" of Gerties'will soon pass,and that you will know how to handle each day as it comes.Hang in there!!!

Anonymous said...

eeeekkk no wonder you want me to come and sit for the weekend...
I'm bringing lots of treats ....
what are the things most asked for?

oh, and by the way.... do you think she is still having apnea? This crabbies might not mean anything ... but then it might mean there is something to watch for - good luck and all my prayers.

Judy said...

Remember the study I just heard about. Babies who are extremely emotionally dependent upon their parents will become teenagers and adults who listen to and are most influenced by those same parents. Of course, I had babies like Verena...sweet and easy to get along with. Now they don't listen to a word I say!!!

Beth said...

teenagers who listen to their parents? Who ever heard of such a thing.

Do you really think our little angel will turn on us someday?!?!